Restorative Dentistry

Tooth-colored Fillings :

Your fully-trained restorative dentist uses tooth-colored fillings to restore teeth that have become damaged due to decay or trauma. Rather than use outdated amalgam (metal) fillings, Dr. Jain uses tooth colored composite fillings that mimic your natural tooth so you are able to smile without being conscious of anything foreign in your mouth.

For further questions about the procedure, feel free to contact us.

Dental Crowns :

A dental crown or a “cap” is a common restoration used when a tooth is so severely decayed or damaged that a filling isn’t enough to save the structural integrity of the tooth. A cap is then placed on top of the damaged tooth that helps revive the tooth’s function and strength. Plus, it looks and feels like your natural tooth, blending seamlessly with your smile.

A crown may be recommended in cases where a tooth has compromised more than 50% of its structure, or when the vital areas of tooth are fractured from trauma or grinding.

Bridges :

Losing a tooth can be distressing and, if left untreated, could have a detrimental effect on your dental health or even your self esteem and confidence. With dental bridges, Dr. Jain can replace your tooth in very little time and restore your smile back to full health.

A bridge is a 3 or more unit prosthesis that is fixed and cemented in the mouth using the support of adjacent teeth so you can smile confidently and chew your food efficiently as you did prior to losing the tooth/teeth.

Dentures :

Unfortunately, our natural teeth do not last forever. If you have lost the majority of your teeth, dentures may be the best option for you. There are two common types of dentures: partial and full. As the name suggest, partial dentures fill in the gaps where multiple teeth are missing. Whereas, full dentures are fitted when all teeth are missing on either the upper or lower jaw.

Dentures are removable and can be cleaned as normal teeth. They are natural-looking and comfortably fit into your mouth. Each denture is custom-made and provides you with a beautiful, functional smile.

Dental Implant Restoration :

Are you looking for a permanent solution for your missing tooth? Then dental implants could be for you. This modern treatment allows Dr. Jain to restore your smile to its healthiest best. A dental implant consists of an artificial post, which is placed into your jaw to mimic a tooth root. Next, the restorative team of Dr Jain creates a custom-made crown to be placed on top of the implant.

Dental implants return the functionality and look of your tooth. They can be cared for just like normal teeth and are very durable and long-lasting. Speak with Dr. Jain to find out if you are a candidate for implants.